Service Areas


San Jose

An ordinance-size tree on private property is either:

  • Single Trunk – 38 inches or more in circumference at 4 1/2 feet above ground, or
  • Multi-trunk – The combined measurements of each trunk circumference, at 4 1/2 feet above ground, add up to 38 inches or more in circumference.

On single-family or duplex lots, a permit is required to remove an ordinance-size tree, even if it is unhealthy or dead.

On multifamily, commercial, or industrial lots, a permit is required to remove a tree of any size. A Tree Removal Permit is required if the tree is ordinance-size. A Permit Adjustment is required if the tree is smaller than ordinance-size. Read more…


Trees that require permit for removal in Hayward are trees of defined size, protected species, “street” trees, and “dedication” or “memorial” trees. Size specifications include any tree measured at 8in diameter (25.12in circumference) 4.5ft above ground.
Protected Species Include:

1. Big Leaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum)
2. California Buckeye (Aesculus californica)
3. Madrone (Arbutus menziesii)
4. Western Dogwood (Cornus nuttallii)
5. California Sycamore (Platanus racemosa)
6. Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia)
7. Canyon Live Oak (Quercus chrysolepis)
8. Blue Oak (Quercus douglassii)
9. Oregon White Oak (Quercus garryana)
10. California Black Oak (Quercus kelloggi)
11. Valley Oak (Quercus lobata)
12. Interior Live Oak (Quercus wislizenii)
13. California Bay (Umbellularia californica)

Street trees require permits for removal because Hayward has a city ordinance that every home should have at least one tree in the area facing the street, with one on each side of corner homes. Memorial or Dedication trees are trees that serve as local monuments, and require a permit to be removed.

For more information, please refer to Hayward’s Municipal Code regarding tree removal permits, or their FAQ pamphlet entitled Basic Tree Questions.


The current City of Newark’s Street Tree Management Program (TMP) was adopted in 1988. The purpose of the TMP is to develop and maintain a safe and healthy urban forest and to minimize the City’s liability associated with trees. The City is responsible for trees in the parks, within the public right-of-way and at public facilities.

The City uses the current International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) guidelines as a standard for pruning and planting methods.

Most City Street Trees are scheduled for routine pruning every 8 years. Certain species require more frequent pruning. The attached map (PDF) shows the pruning areas and the attached schedule (PDF) indicates the pruning year for each area. Read more…

Castro Valley

Given that Castro Valley is an unincorporated community, the Alameda County Public Works Administration oversees their tree permits. The Alameda County Tree Program ensures the preservation of trees in the County’s road right-of-way. Property owners are responsible for maintaining trees that are adjacent to their property. Property owners are required to obtain tree permits for planting, trimming, pruning or removal of trees in the right-of-way.

Read more here.


Trees that require permit for removal in Hayward are trees of defined size, protected species, “street” trees, and “dedication” or “memorial” trees. Size specifications include any tree measured at 8in diameter (25.12in circumference) 4.5ft above ground.
Protected Species Include:

1. Big Leaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum)
2. California Buckeye (Aesculus californica)
3. Madrone (Arbutus menziesii)
4. Western Dogwood (Cornus nuttallii)
5. California Sycamore (Platanus racemosa)
6. Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia)
7. Canyon Live Oak (Quercus chrysolepis)
8. Blue Oak (Quercus douglassii)
9. Oregon White Oak (Quercus garryana)
10. California Black Oak (Quercus kelloggi)
11. Valley Oak (Quercus lobata)
12. Interior Live Oak (Quercus wislizenii)
13. California Bay (Umbellularia californica)

Street trees require permits for removal because Hayward has a city ordinance that every home should have at least one tree in the area facing the street, with one on each side of corner homes. Memorial or Dedication trees are trees that serve as local monuments, and require a permit to be removed.

For more information, please refer to Hayward’s Municipal Code regarding tree removal permits, or their FAQ pamphlet entitled Basic Tree Questions.


Trees that require permit for removal in Livermore are native species with a trunk circumference of 24 inches, non-native species with a circumference of 60 inches, and street trees, which are property of the city. (Please note that it is the tenant’s obligation to maintain clear walkways and to prune street trees.)

Examples of native species are:

  1. Alder, White (Alnus rhombifolia)
  2. Bay, California (Umbellularia californica)
  3. Buckeye, California (Aesculus californica)
  4. Madrone (Arbutus menziesii)
  5. Maple, Big Leaf (Acer macrophyllum)
  6. Oak, Blue (Quercus douglasii)
  7. Oak, California Black (Quercus kelloggii)
  8. Oak, Canyon Live (Quercus chrysolepis)
  9. Oak, Coast Live (Quercus agrifolia)
  10. Oak, Interior Live (Quercus wislizenii)
  11. Oak, Scrub (Quercus berberidifolia)
  12. Oak, Valley (Quercus lobata)
  13. Pine, Grey (Pinus sabiniana)
  14. Sycamore, California (Platanus racemosa)
  15. Walnut, California Black (Juglans hindsii californica)

For more information, please visit Livermore’s Landscape Maintenance Page. For specific information, we have republished Livermore City Ordinance 12.20 in it’s orginal form: Livermore City Code Chapter 12 Section 20 Articles I and II.


Please call 510-747-6800 for permit application

Protected Trees :Native Live Oak trees and palm trees on Burbank and Portola streets

All trees on Central and Thompson streets